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 Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen
• Meet each month on the first Saturday of the month
• Where: Summit Church, Sozo Cafe
• Time: Start with brunch at 10am and go until 12pm
• About the Study: What does the Bible tell us about our emotions? Do we have control over feeling sad? Feeling angry? Feeling happy? What do we do when we can't interrupt a feeling? Does the Bible really tell us that our emotions are untrustworthy? After years of hiding and denying her own painful emotions, bestselling author and Bible teacher Jennie Allen decided to ask these vulnerable questions. In doing so, she discovered emotions are not our enemy. Emotions are designed by God as gifts to connect us to Himself and to the people we love. Join Jennie on a journey to a healthier relationship with emotions and a deeper connection with God through a biblical study of how God made us to feel.


Does God still speak today? This is one of the most important questions a Christian can explore, and has huge implications for every aspect of a person’s life and walk with God. This 6 week seminar will cover why we believe that God is still personally speaking to us, how He speaks and how to discern His voice. The ability to hear our Creator and Savior talk to us, guide us and encourage us is life giving for all Christians! (Offered annually in the fall.)

Materials: $20/Participant Materials (Includes Journal and Hearing God Workbook)


Summit Church is launching its All Church Small Group study on The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman! Come join us on Monday or Tuesday nights  from 6:30 - 8PM or Wed. morning from 10-12 as we go through this book together and study the objective of Christ's ministry and His strategy for carrying it out, learning how we can do the same!

This is a 6 week study. Books can be purchased at the Info HUB for $5, and there is a reading schedule that can also be picked up at the Info HUB. Please read the preface and the first chapter before the first meeting.


We work closely with Chi Alpha the campus ministry at MSU to make sure our college students are connected to each other and Jesus. 


Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. It's a series of videos and conversations focused on the questions of life, faith, and meaning. What is the purpose of life? What happens when we die? Why did Jesus have to die? What relevance does the Bible have for our lives today? Join us as we explore these questions together. This safe environment is a perfect venue to explore the big questions that often leave us baffled.  All are welcome. Let's share a meal and discuss this.

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